Privacy Policy

Welcome to our website (“Website”). Please read our Privacy Policy carefully.
This Privacy Policy applies when you visit or browse our web site without purchasing any product, and when
you use our services for purchasing products. This Privacy Policy provides you with all information needed to
understand how we collect, proceed and take measures to protect personal data which may identify you. Each
and every access to and use of the Website presupposes that these Privacy Policy have been read, understood
and accepted by you.


The Website is managed by Non-Entrepreneurial (Non-Commercial) Legal Entity Georgian International
Arbitration Centre (“GIAC”), existing under the laws of Georgia. Register number is 400108281.


1. Our Policy


GIAC respects your right to be informed regarding the collection of and other operations involving your
personal data. While using data that may directly or indirectly identify you personally, a principle of necessity
is applied. Therefore, the use of your personal data will be kept to a reasonable minimum and will not exceed
the purposes for which your personal data was collected and/or processed.


We will not process your personal data when we can provide you with services through the use of anonymous
data (such as marketing research made for improving our services) or by other means which allow GIAC to
identify you, apart from when it is strictly necessary or upon request by competent public authorities or the
police (for example, in case of traffic data or your IP address).


2. Use of Personal Data and its purposes


Your personal data are collected and processed by GIAC for purposes which are strictly connected use of the
Website, its services and to purchase on Website. However, your personal data may also be used for other
processing operations within the limits of such purposes.


Your personal data shall be processed for the following purposes:


1. when you are registering for the conference, we collect your personal data (for example, your name
and surnames, e-mail address, company/organization, position, tel. number.) for purposes strictly
necessary to providing you with services related to registration;


2. when you execute purchasing procedures, we collect your personal data (such as personal details, e-
mail address, address, Credit Card numbers, bank code, tax code and telephone number) on your
order form only for the purpose of proceeding your order;


3. for any other purpose that is allowed by applicable law;


Your personal data shall be stored in a way which allows GIAC to identify you for the period necessary for the
purposes which the data was collected for and subsequently processed and, in any case, in accordance with
applicable law.


Your personal data shall not be disclosed to third parties for purposes which are not permitted by law or
without your explicit consent.


Your personal data may only be disclosed to third parties when it is necessary for processing an order.
Moreover, your data may be disclosed to the police or to judicial authorities, according to law and upon aformal request by such entities, for example in the event GIAC needs to prevent fraud.


GIAC will process your personal data for purposes that are strictly connected to the supply of services on
website, execution of contracts related to the sale and purchase and, after receiving your consent.


3. Non-Disclosure of your Personal Data to GIAC


Granting your personal data to GIAC (in particular, your personal details, your e-mail address, your address,
your Credit/Debit Card numbers and bank code and your telephone number) is necessary for processing your order, supplying other services provided on the Website upon your request, or when your personal information is needed to fulfill obligations required by law or regulations.


The refusal to provide GIAC with some of your personal data necessary for performing the above purposes
may consequently prevent us from processing your order for the purchase of products or from supplying other
services provided on Website.


4. Data Collection and Security Measures


When you are using, some personal data might be collected automatically (through “cookies”),
for example, when we automatically collect users’ IP addresses and other information regarding the users’
data traffic or the users’ preferences in the choice of services provided on this web site and of the products
purchased through the provided services. This information and data are collected directly and automatically by
the Website as part of its operational functions. This information and data are then processed in a collective
and anonymous way for commercial purposes in order to optimize the services provided for the needs and
preferences of the Website’s users.


In other circumstances, GIAC will directly collect personal data and information from its users when they
register on the web site in order to finalize e-commerce transactions. GIAC process such data only for the
purposes and within the limits of what is stated herein in this policy and may be disclosed to third parties only
for the purposes related to providing the services requested by the user.


Necessary security measures were developed to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful
destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, and against all other reasons for
data processing that do not comply with our Privacy Policy. Nevertheless, GIAC cannot guarantee that the
security measures adopted for the protection of the Website and for data and information transmission will
prevent or exclude any risk of unauthorized access or of loss of data.


It is strictly advisable that your computer be provided with software devices that protect network data
transmission/receipt (such as updated antivirus systems) and that your Internet service provider take
appropriate measures for the security of network data transmission (such as, for example, firewalls and anti-
spam filtering).


5. Cookies


The Website uses automatic systems of data collection, such as cookies. A cookie is a device transmitted to the
hard disk of an Internet user; it does not contain intelligible information but it allows linking between an
Internet user to his/her personal information provided by the user on Website. Cookies are disseminated by
our servers, and no one may gain access to the information contained therein. Only GIAC will process
information collected by cookies, in a collective and anonymous way, in order to optimize its services and its
web site for the needs and preferences of its users. We have provided cookies in connection to functions such
as selecting the country, browsing the catalogue, purchasing products online and in general in connection with
the provision of services reserved to registered customers. As you might know, each Internet browser allows
the deletion of cookies after each session. Your Internet browser contains instructions on these deletion
procedures. Please access the information on your Internet browser if you wish to delete cookies. The
acceptance of automatic data collection procedures and the use of cookies are necessary for using the Website
and its services, including the purchase of products. If you do not want your browser to accept cookies, you
can turn off the cookie acceptance option in your browser settings.


6. Right to access Personal Data and further rights


GIAC may process your personal data also without your consent in certain circumstances provided by law, such
as when such processing is necessary for performing a legal obligation to which GIAC is subject or when such
processing is necessary for performing obligations undertaken in contracts with the users.
In any case, we guarantee that you may exercise, at any time and without having to state the reason, your
right not to receive future communications connected to particular services upon request.


You are entitled to obtain, at any time, confirmation from GIAC as to whether or not data relating to you is
being processed, whether the data is not yet registered, and the communication in intelligible form of the data
undergoing processing.


Moreover, you are entitled to receive from GIAC information on the source of your personal data; the
purposes and way of processing your personal data; the logic involved in any electronic data processing;
details of the data controller and of the data processors; the names of the entities and categories of entities to
whom your personal data may be disclosed or who may access your personal data, for example, as a data
controller or a party so appointed.


You are entitled to obtain at any time from GIAC:


1. the updating, adjustment or, when you have an interest in such, the integration of your personal
2. the deletion, the transformation into an anonymous form or blocking of your personal data
(unlawfully processed), including data which does not need to be stored for the purposes for which it
was collected and subsequently processed;
3. the confirmation that the operations above have been reported (together with the contents of the
same) to whom the data was disclosed or disseminated, except when it becomes impossible or if the
means used are clearly disproportionate to the right’s protection.


You are entitled to object, in whole or in part:
1. for legitimate reasons, to the processing of your personal data, even if it is related to the purposes for
which it was collected;
2. to the processing of your personal data for advertising or direct marketing purposes or in order to
carry out marketing research or commercial communications.


You may freely exercise your rights at any time, provided that you do so in compliance with applicable laws, by
sending your request to GIAC at the following e-mail address: We will reply to you as necessary.


7. Governing Law


This Privacy Policy is governed by Georgian law and, in particular, by the Georgian Personal Data Protection
Code which governs the processing of personal data. The Georgian Personal Data Protection Code guarantees
that processing of personal data will be carried out in compliance with fundamental rights and freedom of
individuals, as well as of their dignity, with particular reference to confidentiality, identity and to the right to
personal data protection.


8. Amendments and alterations to this Privacy Policy


GIAC may amend or simply update from time to time all or part of this Privacy Policy, including when
amendments are made to legal provisions or regulations which govern data protection and protect your rights.
The amendments and the alterations of this Privacy Policy shall be notified to you as soon as such
amendments or alterations have been introduced and shall be binding as soon as they are published on the
Website in this section. Therefore, you are requested to regularly access this section in order to check the
publication of the most recent and updated Privacy Policy of Website.